As of November 15, 2008 I have joined the Bookview Cafe, a new co-op web site of 20+ professional authors. We offer some free fiction, some longer subscription fiction, and one shot fee based fiction. New material and blogs everyday. If you really like the stories and books you read there, you can follow links to the author's web sites. I'm really excited about this. I'll have 4 brand new, never before published, short stories up starting on the last Sunday of November and continuing on the last Sunday of the month. You can download or read on line from your computer, through Text On Phone or even download to your iPhone or iPod.
We have a tip box to help feed the muse as well. You may ask why you have to pay for any fiction on the internet. Well, we have site expenses. We also have normal everyday expenses just like you, rent, food, electricity, cat food... If we can't meet our bills from writing income then we have to go out and get day jobs and won't have the time or energy to write. So please consider us when surfing through the Bookview Cafe.
Book View Cafe