This prophecy was written by Quidorach Gerdrik, the great grand nephew of Quidornox-Ra. Quidorach considered by many to be the greatest living prophet on Ereth.

          The Opening of the Gates will happen when secrets of those Who Guard the Gates are made known. This can only be accomplished by the Halfbreed or the Children of Those Whom Were Never Saved.

          A time of great chaos will follow the Opening of the Gates, but the Natives of the Stolen World will spread to a thousand thousand worlds and build a Great Empire.

          The Halfbreed will begin the Opening of the Gates only if Halfbreeds of the Stolen World can raise the Halfbreed.

          If the Halfbreed learns the way to power the Halfbreed will bring the Servants of the Fates to their rightful place as the Judges and PeaceKeepers of a thousand thousand worlds.

          The Children of Those Whom Were Never Saved will only be able to bring about the Opening of the Gates if they save Those Who Were Banished from the OtherWorld from becoming the tyrants of a thousand thousand worlds, or if they stop the Guardian of the Wielder of the Great Soul from becoming the tyrant of a thousand thousand worlds.

          Without the Opening of the Gates, the Natives of the stolen World will be doomed, but for those whom control the Unification. If none of the Natives control Unification, or the Unification does not come to pass, then they shall all perish irrevocably.

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